How to change a password in Dasi Clinic and Dasi eCLINIC

If you are a user of the Dasi CLINIC program (desktop version), here we explain:

How to change a password.

  • We will go to the “Menu” section at the top of the program.
  • We will open the “Utilities” tab and then click on the “ Change password ” line.

  • When entering, we will write the “Current access password” of the user and, next, the “New access password” , of which, at the end, we will be asked for confirmation in “Confirm password”.
  • To confirm it, it will be enough to repeat exactly the password that we put in “ New access password”
  • We will accept the change.

It is recommended to perform this function periodically.

If you are a user of the Dasi eCLINIC program (cloud version), here we explain:

How to change the password.

  • From the Administrator screen, we will go to the “User profile” section located in a drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Once inside, at the bottom left we will find the button “Change access password”

  • Upon entering, we will write the user’s “Old password” and then the “New password” , which, at the end, we will be asked for confirmation in “Repeat password”.

  • To confirm it, it will be enough to repeat exactly what we put in « New password »
  • We will accept the change.

Review our PILL Nº 6 with our explanatory videos:

For this and other options, we recommend the use of the new Dasiclinic online user manual , from where you can consult all the doubts that arise about the program, which will allow you to solve them as a user, in a much faster and more efficient way, including videos and examples.

Published On: 15/08/2021 / Categories: pills /

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