According to the General Council of Colleges of Speech Therapists, SPEECH THERAPY includes the processes of human communication, related disorders and knowledge of the means to prevent, evaluate and treat them. The speech therapist is the health professional specialized in Speech Therapy, who deals with the study of the communication process and prevention, diagdiagnosis, prognosis and treatment of their disorders and is dedicated to the detection, promotion, education, administration, evaluation, rehabilitation, habilitation, orientation , counseling, teaching and research of the areas of human communication and its alterations.

And on this subject, and above all concerning human communication, rivers of ink have been written.

We have found some phrases that, due to their content in this field of health, we have found interesting to share within the framework of the chain of articles that, at Dasi Informàtica, we dedicate to phrases and thoughts that last over time.

  • Speech therapy is hearing a tear, articulating an emotion, vocalizing a desire, reading the soul. Write a smile… well. what is human about man (M. Behlau-Sao Paulo. Dr. Speech Therapist-sXX).
  • Language is the tool of tools. (Vygostki- sXX – theoretical psychologist of developmental psychology).
  • Language is the dress of thought. (S. Johnson-London SXVIII)
  • True learning is based on discovery, guided by a tutor , rather than the transmission of knowledge (J. Dewey-pedagogue, psychologist and philosopher-20th century USA).
  • Language is the most human thing that exists. It is a privilege of man… each word carries with it a life, a state, a feeling. (c. Count. Cartagena, sXX- Poet, prose writer, playwright).
  • The way we communicate with others and with ourselves determines the quality of our life. (A. Robbins-(sXX-California. Writer and motivational Coach).
  • It is not an exaggeration to say that the oral teachers and the signing teachers had a hard time sitting in the same room without arguing. (A. MElville Bell-s XIX. Professor and researcher of physiological phonetics).

March 6 marks the European Day of Speech Therapy . The Permanent Committee of Speech Therapists of the European Union created it in 2004 with the aim of promoting awareness of the speech therapy profession in Europe.

If you know of any famous or unpublished phrase about this content or want to give your opinion or make some reflection on what we have exposed, we await your comment.

REMEMBER: If you are a member of the Col legi de Logopedes de Catalunya or the Professional College of Speech Therapists of Galicia, you have advantages if you contract the Dasi eCLINIC management program (in the cloud). Find out on their web pages or on the Dasi Informatica. SL

Published On: 23/06/2020 / Categories: News /

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